So, how does this work?

In a safe and trusting environment, participants will have an opportunity to take positive risks, discover new parts of themselves and being with others, and become part of an ensemble. Engaging in playful theatre games help to sharpen their ability to focus. Playing in a group helps to reduce the terror of debilitating anxiety. Through learning to create characters, players can ‘try on’ different ways of responding and reacting to life situations. Learning how to avoid ‘blocks’ when building scenes will strengthen listening skills. Practicing improv games frees you up from the fear that you don’t have anything to say...we always find out that we do! And sharing in a therapeutic conversation will give participants a deeper appreciation and understanding of the possibilities for personal transformation that improv offers.

Working in the world of improv, therapeutics and bringing the experience of performance and improvisation, Lesly and Murray have witnessed the enormous impact this approach is having on all who attend our classes.

Participants have shared how improv allows them to be in the world differently: to be more mindful, less anxious, more playful, recover from past traumas and become more generous in support of themselves and others (see testimonials below).

The rules of improv invite students to step into this new way of being 1) To say “yes”, 2) to accept everything as a gift; and 3) to make your partner look good. This kind of ground work creates a safe space for participants to start wherever they are, to build trust, and to learn how to think outside the box and embrace risk-taking.

Here are a couple of articles tell you about our work, and the value of improv for social anxiety



  • "It sounds hokey. It sounds silly. And you're probably going to think it won't work. I certainly thought all of that. But it'll surprise you how different it feels when you're in it. It worked better for me than any medicine I tried. And it's comfortable because the class is made up of people with the same fears. "

    -A., Student

  • "Performing alone made me face my biggest fears, but I like being given some direction to work from so I can practice coming up with things easier and thereby feeling more confident. Speaking about what we see in each others performances always gives a boost of confidence."

    -E.G, Student

  • "The class was a great way to examine the root of my anxiety and play with ways of dealing with it and becoming more engaged in my life and the world around me. Embrace the fear of anxiety you may have about taking the class. You won’t regret it."

    -T.W, Student

  • "I evolved, in ways I never knew possible with the help of Murray and Lesley! They tap into spots that you never realized needed work. They are fun and make the group feel so safe and welcoming. Love them, love this class."

    -K.M.F, Student

  • "Essentially everything we did helped me. I found the talk circle at the end of the meeting very therapeutic and allowed me to relate with others. Body movement exercises/warm-ups allowed me to be more present. Purposefully messing up and taking the spotlight really helped me."

    -K, Student

  • "The workshop accessed the child in me that wants to play make believe. Exercises where there wasn’t a lot of instruction let me dive in and let the intuitive in me express itself. The child that is only aware in the moment and is fully alive."

    -B.M, Student