A new approach to social anxiety, social phobia and shyness

Curtain Up, Anxiety Down

Theatre professional and creativity coach Lesly Fredman and psychotherapist and development coach Murray Dabby, LCSW have teamed up to provide a new and innovative approach to helping people who suffer from social anxiety, phobia, some forms of OCD, difficulty speaking in front of groups, or ordinary forms of shyness and difficulties in social environments.

Based on their experiences in their respective work, as well as learning from the successful Second City approach in Chicago, the East Side Institute in New York and the Performing the World Conference, the combined use of improv and therapy can be a significant tool to help someone manage anxiety felt in social situations. This approach is growing across the country.

But don’t just take our word for it…

“Play as if Your Mental Health Depended on It”

“Social Anxiety? Acting Class Can Help”

“Can Improv Comedy Treat Social Anxiety?”

“Play gives us permission to be other than who we are in “real life.” It allows us to imagine ourselves as being, feeling and doing different. Just as little children pretend to be fantastical characters , we adults can and should create ways of playing that require us to step out of our usual roles and identities. To move about and around those roles and identities.”

— Psychology Today

Adult Improv Class

Our next group will begin again on 12, 2024, beginning at 6:30 pm. This class session will run for twelve weeks.

Teen Improv Class

Our next group is to be determined. Please check back or contact us with any questions.